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Chronic Disease Management

Chronic diseases such as diabetes, arthritis, hypertension, and lung disease can significantly impact a person’s ability to perform essential daily activities, making life challenging for many older adults. These conditions often lead to a loss of independence and require effective management strategies to delay health deterioration, improve function, and address daily living challenges.

Our Approach

At Health Serve, we offer comprehensive chronic disease management programs designed by our clinical team in collaboration with treating physicians. These programs, available both onsite and online, are tailored to help individuals manage their own care and enhance their quality of life alongside their clinical treatment.

Program Features

  • Customized Care Plans: Tailored programs for patients to manage their chronic conditions effectively.
  • Interactive Health Education Sessions: Engaging sessions for patients and families covering common issues such as medication management, pain management, nutrition, exercise, psychological support, and effective communication with healthcare providers.
  • Skill Development and Coping Strategies: Assistance in developing skills and strategies to manage symptoms and improve day-to-day living.
  • Action Planning and Behavior Modeling: Emphasis on action planning, interactive learning, problem-solving, decision-making, and social support to foster positive change.
  • Disease-Specific Variants: Specialized programs for conditions like diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, chronic pain, cancer survivorship, and arthritis.
Chronic Disease Management
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Benefits of Our Programs

  • Enhanced Health Outcomes: Improved self-reported health and health status in areas such as fatigue, shortness of breath, depression, pain, stress, and sleep problems.
  • Better Quality of Life: Reduction in unhealthy physical and mental days, leading to an overall better health-related quality of life.
  • Improved Communication and Compliance: Enhanced communication with doctors, better medication compliance, and increased health literacy.

Diabetes Management Program

Diabetes ranks among the top causes of mortality globally. At Health Serve Home Healthcare, we are committed to providing a comprehensive diabetes management program that includes a proper regimen and education to support our patients in the comfort of their own homes.

Our Services

Our diabetes management program includes the following services:

  • Comprehensive Medical History Assessment
  • Develop a tailored care plan based on a thorough assessment of the patient’s medical history, addressing both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.
  • Vital Parameter Monitoring
  • Regular monitoring of essential health indicators:
  • Blood glucose levels
  • Weight
  • Blood pressure
  • Medication Administration

Proper administration of oral medications or insulin as prescribed by the healthcare provider.

Health Education

  • Provide patients with essential information on managing diabetes, including lifestyle management, exercise, and maintaining a healthy routine.
  • Foot Care and Personal Hygiene
  • Guidance on proper foot care to prevent complications and maintaining personal hygiene.
  • Nutrition Planning
  • Develop and support a nutrition plan, including diet counseling, to help manage diabetes effectively.
  • Benefits of Our Diabetes Management Program
  • Improved blood glucose control
  • Enhanced understanding of diabetes and self-management techniques
  • Enhanced general well-being and a lower likelihood of complications”
  • Personalized care tailored to individual needs
  • Assistance and education for patients and their families


What is the Diabetes Management Program?

Our Diabetes Management Program provides a comprehensive approach to managing diabetes through personalized care plans, regular monitoring, medication administration, and health education, all delivered in the patient’s home.

Who can benefit from this program?

Patients with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes who need assistance managing their condition can benefit from our program. This includes those who require help with medication administration, lifestyle changes, and monitoring of vital parameters.

What services are included in the program?

The program includes a medical history assessment, monitoring of blood glucose levels, weight, and blood pressure, administration of oral or insulin medications, health education, lifestyle management, foot care, personal hygiene, and nutrition planning.

How often are the vital parameters monitored?

The frequency of monitoring will depend on the individual care plan tailored to each patient’s needs. Regular checks are scheduled to ensure optimal management of the condition.

How does the program help with lifestyle management?

We provide guidance on exercise, diet, and other lifestyle changes necessary for managing diabetes. This includes personalized plans and ongoing support to help patients adopt and maintain healthy habits.

What kind of education and support is provided?

Patients receive education on diabetes management, including information on medication, diet, exercise, and preventive care. Support is also extended to family members to help them understand the patient’s needs and how to assist in their care.

How do I enroll in the Diabetes Management Program?

To enroll, contact Health Serve Home Healthcare directly. Our team will guide you through the process, assess your needs, and develop a personalized care plan to manage your diabetes effectively.

Cardiovascular Disease Care Plan

In the United Arab Emirates, nine out of ten people are at risk of developing cardiovascular diseases due to lifestyle factors. Heart disease and stroke are leading causes of death both locally and globally.

Our Approach

At Health Serve Home Healthcare, we provide specialized care plans for various cardiovascular diseases, including Cardiovascular Accident (CVA), Angina, Myocardial Infarction, and Stroke. Our aim is to eliminate complications, promote health and physical function, and support patients and their families in coping with these conditions.

Care Plan Components

  • Complication Management: Comprehensive strategies to prevent and manage complications associated with cardiovascular diseases.
  • Fall and Risk Management: Measures to reduce the risk of falls and injuries, ensuring patient safety.
  • Physical Therapy: Provision of physical therapy to promote health and physical function, including the use of assistive devices and aids.
  • Coping Mechanisms: Support for patients in developing coping mechanisms to deal with the challenges of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Nutritional Planning: Development of a tailored nutritional plan to support cardiovascular health.
  • Health Education: Education for patients and their families on managing cardiovascular diseases, including medication management, lifestyle modifications, and preventive measures.

Nurse Action Plan

Our nurses are trained to provide comprehensive care for patients with cardiovascular diseases, including:

  • Activities of Daily Living: Assistance with personal hygiene, such as bathing, grooming, dressing, and oral care, as well as urinary and bowel elimination.
  • Medication Management: Administering oral or intravenous medications as prescribed by healthcare providers.
  • Vital Signs Monitoring: Regular monitoring of vital signs, including blood pressure, temperature, blood glucose, pulse rate, heart rate, and pain level.
  • Physical Therapy: Assisting with range of motion exercises and ambulation, using assistive devices as needed.
  • Emotional and Mental Support: Providing support for emotional and mental well-being through engagement in exercises and activities.
  • Accompanying Patients: Accompanying patients to medical appointments and check-ups to ensure continuity of care.

Pain Management in Palliative Care

Pain is a complex and subjective experience that requires careful assessment and management to ensure the comfort and well-being of patients, particularly in palliative care settings.

Nursing Care Plan

Our nursing care plan for pain management in palliative care includes the following components:

  • Pain Assessment: Thorough assessment of pain intensity and characteristics to guide treatment decisions.
  • Emotional Assessment: Evaluation of the patient’s emotional state, including restlessness, anxiety, and fear, which can impact pain perception.
  • Physical and Mental Assessment: Assessment of physical symptoms such as anorexia, nausea, vomiting, as well as mental state indicators like depression and delirium.
  • Elimination Management: Monitoring and managing elimination patterns, including urinary and bowel movements, particularly in relation to diarrhea and constipation.

Nursing Action Plan

Our nursing action plan involves a holistic approach to pain management, incorporating both pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic techniques:

  • Pharmacologic Management: Administration of oral or intravenous medications as prescribed by healthcare providers.
  • Non-Pharmacologic Techniques: Implementation of non-drug interventions such as relaxation techniques, music therapy, and massage to alleviate pain and promote comfort.
  • Vital Signs Monitoring: Regular monitoring of vital signs, including blood pressure, temperature, blood glucose, pulse rate, heart rate, and pain level.
  • Wound Care: Management of wound care, including dressing changes, to promote healing and prevent infection.
  • Fall Prevention: Assistance with ambulation to reduce the risk of falls and injuries, ensuring patient safety.
  • Physician Communication: Providing regular health updates to physicians to ensure coordinated and effective pain management.


What is palliative care?

Palliative care is specialized medical care focused on providing relief from the symptoms and stress of a serious illness, with the goal of improving quality of life for both the patient and their family.

How is pain assessed in palliative care?

Pain assessment in palliative care involves evaluating the intensity and characteristics of pain, as well as considering emotional and mental factors that may influence the patient’s experience.

What techniques are used for pain management in palliative care?

Pain management in palliative care includes both pharmacologic approaches, such as medications, and non-pharmacologic techniques, such as relaxation therapy, music therapy, and massage.

Why is vital signs monitoring important in pain management?

Monitoring vital signs helps healthcare providers assess the effectiveness of pain management interventions and identify any potential complications or changes in the patient’s condition.

How can family members participate in pain management for their loved ones in palliative care?

Family members can provide support and comfort to their loved ones by assisting with non-pharmacologic pain management techniques, providing emotional support, and communicating effectively with healthcare providers about any changes in the patient’s condition or needs.


What is chronic disease management?

Chronic disease management involves strategies and programs designed to help individuals manage long-term health conditions, improve their quality of life, and maintain independence.

What types of chronic diseases do you manage?

We manage various chronic conditions, including diabetes, arthritis, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, chronic pain, and lung disease, among others.

How are the programs customized?

Our clinical team works with treating physicians to create personalized care plans that address each patient’s specific needs, both onsite and online.

What topics are covered in the health education sessions?

The sessions cover medication management, pain management, nutrition, exercise, psychological support, and effective communication with healthcare providers.

What are the benefits of participating in these programs?

Participants experience improved health outcomes, better quality of life, enhanced communication with doctors, and increased medication compliance and health literacy.

How do I enroll in a chronic disease management program?

You can enroll by contacting Health Serve directly. Our team will assist you in understanding your needs and setting up a personalized program to help manage your chronic condition effectively.